We are fortunate to live in a school district that encourages and supports parent/guardian involvement through volunteerism.  

The D103 PTO is proud to present two annual volunteer awards, given in May.  


Contact the PTO Vice President Aaron Jesser with any questions on these awards.


Scott S Guziec Volunteer of the Year Award


The PTO presents an award each year to a volunteer who worked tirelessly to dedicate their time and talents to our schools during the current academic year.

Anyone may nominate a deserving person for this award.  All nominees and nominators remain confidential; however, nominations cannot be made anonymously.  Although very deserving, the PTO President is not eligible for nomination.

The award recipient is announced at the May PTO board meeting. 


Scott S Guziec Volunteer of the Year Award Winners

2024 Kathy Reibel
2023 Alissa Bencks
2022 Aaron Jesser
2021 Veronica Woolson
2020 Teresa Hansen and Cristina Lopez Tapia
2019 Todd Spohnholtz and Rilina Ghosh
2018 Heather Vasilenko and Tiffany Etzel
2017 Robin Babbo
2016 Gayathri Kalyanaraman
2014 Jane Ernst
2013 Sandy Simon
2012 Anne van Gerven
2011 Anne VanOverberghe
2010 Kerry Herman
2009 Robin Naughton
2008 Dawn Anderson
2007 Judy Taber
2006 Barb Schaper
2005 Nancy Nichols

Dawn Anderson Volunteer Angel Award

Each year, the PTO recognizes a volunteer who exemplifies the commitment of Dawn Anderson to District 103.  Dawn generously volunteered for District 103, the D103 PTO and our community.  We now award a volunteer that demonstrates that commitment.

The nominee must be someone whose youngest child is an 8th grade student so that this volunteer will be "graduating" from District 103.  The volunteer should be someone who has committed his or her time over several years to our district, including volunteering for the PTO.

Maybe this is a visible volunteer who has led many PTO events or a quiet contributor that we could always count on to fill in when needed.  Like Dawn, this volunteer should have an infectious volunteer spirit.  

The winner will be announced at 8th Grade Graduation.


Dawn Anderson Volunteer Angel Award Winners 

2023 The Spohnholtzes (Todd and Anita)
2022 Tiffany Etzel
2021 Teresa Hansen
2020 Lisa Lewis
2019 Sandy Simon and Stacy Szwejbka
2018 The Rivkins (Larry and Michele) and Tania Surane

More about Dawn Anderson